Using SASS and Compass

Customize and extend Bootstrap with SASS, a CSS preprocessor, and Compass, a CSS authoring framework, to take advantage of the variables, mixins, and more used to build Bootstrap's CSS.


Bootstrap is made with SASS at its core. It makes developing systems-based CSS faster, easier, and more fun.

Why Compass?

Compass provides presentational classes and mixins to provide even more powerful ways to create CSS stylesheets.

Learn more

Visit the official websites at and to learn more.


Managing colors and pixel values in CSS can be a bit of a pain, usually full of copy and paste. Not with SASS though—assign colors or pixel values as variables and change them once.


Those three border-radius declarations you need to make in regular ol' CSS? Now they're down to one line with the help of mixins, snippets of code you can reuse anywhere.


Make your grid, leading, and more super flexible by doing the math on the fly with operations. Multiply, divide, add, and subtract your way to CSS sanity.

Scaffolding and links

$bodyBackground $white Page background color
$textColor $grayDark Default text color for entire body, headings, and more
$linkColor #08c Default link text color
$linkColorHover darken($linkColor, 15%) Default link text hover color

Grid system

$gridColumns 12
$gridColumnWidth 60px
$gridGutterWidth 20px
$grid768ColumnWidth 42px
$grid768GutterWidth 20px
$grid1200ColumnWidth 70px
$grid1200GutterWidth 30px
$fluidGridColumnWidth 6.382978723%
$fluidGridGutterWidth 2.127659574%
$gridFluid768ColumnWidth 5.801104972%
$gridFluid768GutterWidth 2.762430939%
$gridFluid1200ColumnWidth 5.982905983%
$gridFluid1200GutterWidth 2.564102564%


$sansFontFamily "Trebuchet MS", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
$serifFontFamily Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif
$monoFontFamily Menlo, Monaco, "Courier New", monospace
$baseFontSize 13px Must be pixels
$baseFontFamily $sansFontFamily
$baseLineHeight 18px Must be pixels
$altFontFamily $serifFontFamily
$headingsFontFamily "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, $sansFontFamily
$headingsFontWeight bold
$headingsColor inherit


$tableBackground transparent
$tableBackgroundAccent #f9f9f9
$tableBackgroundHover #f5f5f5
$tableBorder #ddd

Grayscale colors

$black #000
$grayDarkest #111
$grayDarker #222
$grayDark #333
$gray #555
$grayLight #999
$grayLighter #eee
$white #fff

Accent colors

$blue #049cdb
$green #46a546
$red #9d261d
$yellow #ffc40d
$orange #f89406
$pink #c3325f
$purple #7a43b6



$btnBackground $white
$btnBackgroundHighlight darken($white, 10%)
$btnBorder darken($white, 20%)
$btnPrimaryBackground $linkColor
$btnPrimaryBackgroundHighlight spin($btnPrimaryBackground, 15%)
$btnInfoBackground #5bc0de
$btnInfoBackgroundHighlight #2f96b4
$btnSuccessBackground #62c462
$btnSuccessBackgroundHighlight 51a351
$btnWarningBackground lighten($orange, 15%)
$btnWarningBackgroundHighlight $orange
$btnDangerBackground #ee5f5b
$btnDangerBackgroundHighlight #bd362f
$btnInverseBackground $gray
$btnInverseBackgroundHighlight $grayDarker


$placeholderText $grayLight
$inputBackground $white
$inputBorder #ccc
$inputBorderRadius 3px
$inputDisabledBackground $grayLighter
$formActionsBackground #f5f5f5

Form states and alerts

$warningText #c09853
$warningBackground #f3edd2
$errorText #b94a48
$errorBackground #f2dede
$successText #468847
$successBackground #dff0d8
$infoText #3a87ad
$infoBackground #d9edf7


$navbarHeight 40px
$navbarBackground $grayDarker
$navbarBackgroundHighlight $grayDark
$navbarText $grayLight
$navbarLinkColor $grayLight
$navbarLinkColorHover $white
$navbarLinkColorActive $navbarLinkColorHover
$navbarLinkBackgroundHover transparent
$navbarLinkBackgroundActive $navbarBackground
$navbarSearchBackground lighten($navbarBackground, 25%)
$navbarSearchBackgroundFocus $white
$navbarSearchBorder darken($navbarSearchBackground, 30%)
$navbarSearchPlaceholderColor #ccc
$navbarBrandColor $navbarLinkColor


$dropdownBackground $white
$dropdownBorder rgba(0,0,0,.2)
$dropdownLinkColor $grayDark
$dropdownLinkColorHover $white
$dropdownLinkBackgroundHover $linkColor
$$dropdownDividerTop #e5e5e5
$$dropdownDividerBottom $white


$modalBorderRadius 4px
$modalMaxContentHeight 600px
$modalMaxWidth 810px
$modalMaskOpacity 90
$modalBackgroundColor $white
$modalFontColor inherit
$modalBorder 0px
$modalMediaBackgroundColor $grayDarker
$modalMediaFontColor inherit
$modalHeaderBorder 0px
$modalHeaderBackgroundColor $grayDark
$modalHeaderFontColor $grayLighter
$modalFooterBorder 0px
$modalFooterBackgroundColor $white
$modalFooterFontColor inherit
$modalGalleryThumbnailsBackgroundColor $grayDarkest
$modalGalleryMediaWidth 525px

Hero unit

$heroUnitBackground $grayLighter
$heroUnitHeadingColor inherit
$heroUnitLeadColor inherit

About mixins

Basic mixins

A basic mixin is essentially an include or a partial for a snippet of CSS. They're written just like a CSS class and can be called anywhere.

        .element {

Parametric mixins

A parametric mixin is just like a basic mixin, but it also accepts parameters (hence the name) with optional default values.

        .element {

Easily add your own

Nearly all of Bootstrap's mixins are stored in mixins.SASS, a wonderful utility .SASS file that enables you to use a mixin in any of the .SASS files in the toolkit.

So, go ahead and use the existing ones or feel free to add your own as you need.

Included mixins


Mixin Parameters Usage
clearfix() none Add to any parent to clear floats within
tab-focus() none Apply the Webkit focus style and round Firefox outline
center-block() none Auto center a block-level element using margin: auto
ie7-inline-block() none Use in addition to regular display: inline-block to get IE7 support
size() $height $width Quickly set the height and width on one line
square() $size Builds on size() to set the width and height as same value
opacity() $opacity Set, in whole numbers, the opacity percentage (e.g., "50" or "75")


Mixin Parameters Usage
placeholder() $color: $placeholderText Set the placeholder text color for inputs


Mixin Parameters Usage
font-family-serif() none Make an element use a serif font stack
font-family-sans-serif() none Make an element use a sans-serif font stack
font-family-monospace() none Make an element use a monospace font stack
font-shorthand() $size: $baseFontSize, $weight: normal, $lineHeight: $baseLineHeight Easily set font size, weight, and leading
font-serif() $size: $baseFontSize, $weight: normal, $lineHeight: $baseLineHeight Set font family to serif, and control size, weight, and leading
font-sans-serif() $size: $baseFontSize, $weight: normal, $lineHeight: $baseLineHeight Set font family to sans-serif, and control size, weight, and leading
font-monospace() $size: $baseFontSize, $weight: normal, $lineHeight: $baseLineHeight Set font family to monospace, and control size, weight, and leading

Grid system

Mixin Parameters Usage
.container-fixed() none Create a horizontally centered container for holding your content
grid-core() $gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth Generate a pixel grid system (container, row, and columns) with n columns and x pixel wide gutter
grid-fluid() $fluidGridColumnWidth, $fluidGridGutterWidth Generate a percent grid system with n columns and x % wide gutter
grid-input() $gridColumnWidth, $gridGutterWidth Generate the pixel grid system for input elements, accounting for padding and borders
.makeColumn $columns: 1, $offset: 0 Turn any div into a grid column without the .span* classes

CSS3 properties

Mixin Parameters Usage
.border-radius() $radius Round the corners of an element. Can be a single value or four space-separated values
.box-shadow() $shadow Add a drop shadow to an element
.transition() $transition Add CSS3 transition effect (e.g., all .2s linear)
.rotate() $degrees Rotate an element n degrees
.scale() $ratio Scale an element to n times its original size
.translate() $x, $y Move an element on the x and y planes
.background-clip() $clip Crop the background of an element (useful for border-radius)
.background-size() $size Control the size of background images via CSS3
.box-sizing() $boxmodel Change the box model for an element (e.g., border-box for a full-width input)
.user-select() $select Control cursor selection of text on a page
.backface-visibility() $visibility: visible Prevent flickering of content when using CSS 3D transforms
.resizable() $direction: both Make any element resizable on the right and bottom
.content-columns() $columnCount, $columnGap: $gridGutterWidth Make the content of any element use CSS3 columns
.hyphens() $mode: auto CSS3 hyphenation when you want it (includes word-wrap: break-word)

Backgrounds and gradients

Mixin Parameters Usage
translucent-background() $color: $white, $alpha: 1 Give an element a translucent background color
translucent-border() $color: $white, $alpha: 1 Give an element a translucent border color
gradient-vertical() $startColor, $endColor Create a cross-browser vertical background gradient
gradient-horizontal() $startColor, $endColor Create a cross-browser horizontal background gradient
gradient-directional() $startColor, $endColor, $deg Create a cross-browser directional background gradient
gradient-vertical-three-colors() $startColor, $midColor, $colorStop, $endColor Create a cross-browser three-color background gradient
gradient-radial() $innerColor, $outerColor Create a cross-browser radial background gradient
gradient-striped() $color, $angle Create a cross-browser striped background gradient
gradientBar() $primaryColor, $secondaryColor Used for buttons to assign a gradient and slightly darker border